Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mad Men

Mad Men is pretty sick if your into busty redheads, drinking all day long at work, cheating on your wife, and pissing on couches then this show is for you. The show is based around Don Drapers life and he just fucks bitches all day long. The show never discusses what his occupation is but I'm guessing he's some sort of clergyman. This show also has an ample amount of ass for all your perverts out there. There's also a fair amount of rascism in this show that is rather depressing at times. The dude that writes the show, his name is wiener. I'm on season four right now I think and so far I have no fucking clue what is going on but all the pretty girls and the fancy talking has got me still watching. That and the fact that I've been drinking a 30 pack of fourlokos before noon everyday for the past 3 weeks. If this review doesn't help you then you can officially go fuck yourself cuz this was great. On a ranking scale of 1 to 10 bongloads with 10 being the highest I'd rank this motherfucker an 8.8. I think that's a pretty good score considering nothing really ever happens and there's no nudity or hardcore violence or swearing. But anyways fuck you!!!!! No I'm just playin dawg.

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