Thursday, September 15, 2011

McDonalds 50 piece chicken

First and foremost I don't think it's a good idea to eat 50 chicken mcnuggets in one sitting.  Although it's only 2300 calories so I usually consume more than that in a day anyways so fuck you if you think I'm a fatass for eating this for brunch.  Anyways I'm sure you all understand that I'm out of my mind stoned right now for eating that much.  Who the fuck eats 50 mcnuggets that isn't high as shit ya know?  Could you imagine just being sober and being all ya I want to eat 50 mcnuggets right now.  I would punch you in the heart as hard as I fucking could then I would hug you and kiss you because I respect the fuck out of you.  The only thing I'm kind of worried about is the fact that I was able to eat all 50 in under 10 minutes.  My left arm is completely numb right now and I'm having trouble walking and talking but I think I'm going to be ok so don't worry about me too much.  I'm going to go ahead and rate these badass motherfuckers 10 snappers out of 10 snappers cuz mcnuggets are fucking the fucking shit dude!!!

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