Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend is a kick ass rock-fantasy-action-horror-sex-thriller that really got my juices flowing. First off it stars Jack Black who I used to smoke blunts with back on the set for Kung Fu Panda so I know he likes to have a good time. Second off Ozzie Osborn is in it as well and I just totally want to bang his daughter Kelly and his wife Sharon so fuck you if you don't agree with me on that. I like the graphics for this game, as I'm playing it now I'm so high that I actually think I'm in this rock hell that Jack Black is trapped in. I don't know if this is the best game to play while smoking out of a volcano after I've eaten four pounds of weed brownies but fuck it. I would also like to point out that this game has its fair share of curse words and I'm totally all about that. There were also hot busty demon chicks which really turned me on which is not surprising at all. I mean if your gonna have a game with the word "fuck" in it why can't you have some girl on girl hardcore lesbian love making?? These are the sort of questions I would like to ask the makers of this fine game. Now I know what your thinking, why the he'll am I gonna play this shit if there's no porn in it well stop complaining wuss boy or girl it's still a sick ass game that deserves your respect. This game has what most other games lack now a days, a good trippy ass story line that will make you see things. I honestly don't even know what the fuck is going on in this shit. I think there's some anti rock god or something thats trying to oppress the rock n rock people or something. The evil deviliculios(I made that up) enslaved all the long haired head banging youth so Jack Black has to go save the day. It's actually the same plot as Kung Fu Panda come to think of it. I'm gonna go ahead and give this game 178 volcano bags out of 180 volcano bags. I hope you find this very informative seeing how it took me 20 hours to complete this review.

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