Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little Big Planet 2

Little Big Planet 2 is the craziest fucking shit that I've ever lived through and I survived a tsunami of wild Smurfs once. Someone told me that this game is based on a true story but I'm not so sure about that. First off your a sack of beans, so I don't think that's super accurate ya know. Although my sack has gone on many adventures, he's never shot a grappling hook and wore an Afro. On the other hand my sack has been known to shoot deadly venom and parts his hair in the middle. Now anyways this game is still pretty fucking cool, you pretty much just run and jump around and fuck shit up. I'm sure your asking yourself, "well fuck that's what I do in every fucking game I play what makes this special?"  I would answer you by saying stop complaining and go fuck yourself this isn't Sonic the motherfucking Hedgehog, so just go with it. OK back to the game, the story goes that some bad guy fucked your shit up so your little sack boy has to go and save the day. He has help from his homeboy Larry Da Vince who also created most of the world that your playing at the moment. There's a lot of puzzles in this game so my feeble piece of shit brain had some problems but I got through it in one piece. As far as playing this game high as balls good luck! I'm sober right now and I have no clue whatsoever is going on in this game or my life. As I'm writing this I am scared shitless I feel like the evil magnetron or whatever his name is, is going to come and rape my sack. I know no one out there will care about my sack getting raped so fuck you too! Your probably on magnetron's side and all you guys do is just rape sacks.  I'm gonna give this game 5 snake bites out of 5 snake bites.

ps. if you dont know what a snake bite is ill explain in a later post but it has to do with smoking chronic and its fucking awesome and im going to go do some snake bites right now so i can survive a few more levels of little big planet 2 before magnetron comes and rapes me ;)

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