Wednesday, February 27, 2013

True Blood

I'll let you know right now, I believe vampires are real and I don't give a god damn fuck what  you think about it.  I mean they have to real in todays day and age.  Theres some crazy whack ass shit out there and I'm sure theres at least on vampire out there living off blood.  I'm not gonna make any assumptions about whether or not they can live forever but thats their business and whatever ya know.  So basically this show True Blood is the true story of this old guy Bill who just wants some fucking tail.  Theres no shame in his game right? WRONG!!!!! He's a god damn vampire and he fucking murders folks everywhere he goes.  You expect that so its cool.  Anyways you fucks the bitch from X-Men and gets into all sorts of trouble.  Theres a fair about of hot chicks and toplessness so I think anyone who likes naked girls and doing mind altering substances should watch this show.  You don't have to watch it if you don't want to but I'm just letting you know your a fucking dick slapper if you don't.  I'm gonna give this show a solid 4.5 hash bombs out of 6.2 hash bombs which is a very respectable rating for a show that turns the camera away right before you see penetration.

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