Monday, February 25, 2013

Hoppy Daze

Hoppy Daze by Coronado Brewing Company is today's special beer of choice.  It's pretty fucking bomb. Chicks will also dig it so you'll have a chance at getting them drunk and naked so that adds to the experience of drinking this fine brew! So if you don't like naked chicks and good beer you probably shouldn't drink this.  And even if you don't like naked chicks maybe you like naked dong that's cool.  Dudes like this shit too so go buck wild with it bros!!  Get your closest bro super drunk and then play around with his dong if that's what you're into god bless you.  But even if your not into rape and you just like good beer give this a try its super bomb.  It's brewed on an island that's not even an island so they kinda like to fuck with you just like my favorite show of all time Lost which just so happens to take place on a gnarly island.

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