Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Demon Souls

Demon Souls is a really fucking hard game.  My friend "Bo" is playing it right now and he even thinks it's hard and he has not one but two plattys (platinum trophies).  I have no clue whatsoever what this game is about I think it has something to do with souls.  They say this game is an RPG but I don't see it.  It's not like your roll playing or whatever but on the good hand this game has dragons and dragons are fucking cool.  You can also play with other dudes online while your playing so if your into that sort of thing that's cool too ya know.  Mostly though what you need to take away from this review is that dragons are cool and this game is hard as fuck.  I give Demon Souls 3 special "demon" joints out of 5 special "demon" joints.

Upon beating Demon Souls my friend "Bo" is very disappointed is the shit effort that the makers of this game put into the story.  I myself am appalled at this total lack of respect for the artform that is gaming. I now give Demon Souls 1 baby blunt out of 10 baby blunts and I say demon souls go fuck yourself

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